
[24] Simon Candelaresi and Celine Beck
Twisted magnetic knots and links.
Physics of Plasmas, 30:082102, 2023.
bib | ADS | DOI | http | pdf ]
[23] Axel Brandenburg, Anders Johansen, et al.
The Pencil Code, a modular MPI code for partial differential equations and particles: multipurpose and multiuser-maintained.
Journal of Open Source Software, 6:2807, 2021.
bib | ADS | DOI | arXiv | pdf ]
[22] Simon Candelaresi, Gunnar Hornig, Benjamin Podger, and David Ian Pontin.
Topological constraints in the reconnection of vortex braids.
Physics of Fluids, 33:056101, 2021.
bib | ADS | DOI | arXiv | pdf ]
[21] Simon Candelaresi, Christopher Berg Smiet
BlenDaViz, scientific visualization library for Blender.
submitted to Information Visualization, 2020.
[20] Simon Candelaresi and Fabio Del Sordo.
Stabilizing effect of magnetic helicity on magnetic cavities in the intergalactic medium.
The Astrophysical Journal, 896:86, 2020.
bib | ADS | DOI | arXiv | pdf ]
[19] Alexander Russell, Pascal Demoulin, Gunnar Hornig, David Ian Pontin, and Simon Candelaresi.
Do current and magnetic helicities have the same sign?
The Astrophysical Journal, 884:55, 2019.
bib | ADS | DOI | pdf ]
[18] Andrea Bracco, Simon Candelaresi, Fabio Del Sordo, and Axel Brandenburg.
Is there a left-handed magnetic field in the solar neighborhood? Exploring helical magnetic fields in the interstellar medium through dust polarization power spectra.
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 621:A97, 2019.
bib | ADS | DOI | arXiv | pdf ]
[17] Petr M. Akhmet'ev, Simon Candelaresi, and Alexandr Y. Smirnov.
Minimum Quadratic Helicity States.
Journal of Plasma Physics, 84:775840601, 2018.
bib | ADS | DOI | arXiv | pdf ]
[16] Simon Candelaresi, David Pontin, Anthony Yeates, Paul Bushby, and Gunnar Hornig.
Estimating the rate of field line braiding in the solar corona by photospheric flows.
The Astrophysical Journal, 864:157, 2018.
bib | ADS | DOI | arXiv | pdf ]
[15] Petr M. Akhmet'ev, Simon Candelaresi, and Alexandr Yu Smirnov.
Calculations for the practical applications of quadratic helicity in MHD.
Physics of Plasmas, 24:102128, 2017.
bib | ADS | DOI | arXiv | pdf ]
[14] Simon Candelaresi, David Pontin, and Gunnar Hornig.
Quantifying the tangling of trajectories using the topological entropy.
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, 27:093102, 2017.
bib | ADS | DOI | arXiv | pdf ]
[13] Christopher Berg Smiet, Simon Candelaresi, and Dirk Bouwmeester.
Ideal relaxation of the hopf fibration.
Physics of Plasmas, 24:072110, 2017.
bib | ADS | DOI | arXiv | pdf ]
[12] Simon Candelaresi, David Pontin, and Gunnar Hornig.
Effects of field-line topology on energy propagation in the corona.
The Astrophysical Journal, 832:150, 2016.
bib | ADS | DOI | arXiv | pdf ]
[11] David Pontin, Simon Candelaresi, Alexander Russell, and Gunnar Hornig.
Braided magnetic fields: equilibria, relaxation and heating.
Plasma Phys. Contr. F., 58:054008, 2016.
bib | ADS | DOI | arXiv | pdf ]
[10] Christopher Berg Smiet, Simon Candelaresi, Amy V. Thompson, Joe Swearngin, Jan Willem Dalhuisen, and Dirk Bouwmeester.
Self-organizing knotted magnetic structures in plasma.
Phys. Rev. Lett., 115:095001, August 2015.
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[9] Simon Candelaresi, David Pontin, and Gunnar Hornig.
Magnetic Field Relaxation and Current Sheets in an Ideal Plasma.
The Astrophysical Journal, 808:134, August 2015.
bib | ADS | DOI | arXiv | pdf ]
[8] Simon Candelaresi, David Pontin, and Gunnar Hornig.
Mimetic Methods for Lagrangian Relaxation of Magnetic Fields.
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 36:B952-B968, 2014.
bib | DOI | arXiv | pdf ]
[7] Simon Candelaresi, Andrew Hillier, Hiroyuki Maehara, Alex Brandenburg, and Kazunari Shibata.
Superflare occurrence and energies on G-, K- and M-type dwarfs.
The Astrophysical Journal, 792:67, September 2014.
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[6] Simon Candelaresi and Axel Brandenburg.
Kinetic helicity needed to drive large-scale dynamos.
Phys. Rev. E, 87:043104, April 2013.
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[5] Simon Candelaresi and Axel Brandenburg.
Decay of helical and nonhelical magnetic knots.
Phys. Rev. E, 84:016406, July 2011.
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[4] Simon Candelaresi, Alexander Hubbard, Axel Brandenburg, and Dhrubaditya Mitra.
Magnetic helicity transport in the advective gauge family.
Physics of Plasmas, 18:012903, January 2011.
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[3] Fabio Del Sordo, Simon Candelaresi, and Axel Brandenburg.
Magnetic-field decay of three interlocked flux rings with zero linking number.
Phys. Rev. E, 81:036401, March 2010.
bib | ADS | DOI | arXiv | pdf ]
[2] Dhrubaditya Mitra, Simon Candelaresi, Piyali Chatterjee, Reza Tavakol, and Axel Brandenburg.
Equatorial magnetic helicity flux in simulations with different gauges.
Astronomical Notes, 331:130-135, January 2010.
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[1] Axel Brandenburg, Simon Candelaresi, and Piyali Chatterjee.
Small-scale magnetic helicity losses from a mean-field dynamo.
Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 398:1414-1422, September 2009.
bib | ADS | DOI | arXiv | pdf ]

Book Chapters

[1] Simon Candelaresi and Fabio Del Sordo.
Stability of plasmas through magnetic helicity.
American Geophysical Union, Washington, 2021.
bib |  | arXiv ]

Conference Proceedings

[8] Simon Candelaresi, David Pontin and Gunnar Hornig.
Magnetic field line braiding in the solar atmosphere.
In Fine Structure and Dynamics of the Solar Atmosphere, volume 327 of IAU Symposium, pages 77-81, 2017.
bib | ADS | DOI | pdf ]
[7] Simon Candelaresi and Rudolf Hilfer.
Excess Wings in Broadband Dielectric Spectroscopy.
In AIP Conference Proceedings, volume 1637, pages 283-1290, 2014.
bib | ADS | DOI | arXiv | pdf ]
[6] Simon Candelaresi.
Topological constraints in magnetic field relaxation.
In Journal of Physics: Conference Series, volume 544, page 12006, 2014.
bib | ADS | DOI | arXiv | pdf ]
[5] Simon Candelaresi and Axel Brandenburg.
Topological constraints on magnetic field relaxation.
In Advances in Plasma Astrophysics, volume 294 of IAU Symposium, pages 353-357, 2012.
bib | ADS | DOI | arXiv | pdf ]
[4] Simon Candelaresi and Axel Brandenburg.
Magnetic helicity fluxes and their effect on stellar dynamos.
In Advances in Plasma Astrophysics, volume 286 of IAU Symposium, pages 49-53, 2012.
bib | ADS | DOI | arXiv | pdf ]
[3] Simon Candelaresi and Axel Brandenburg.
Magnetic helicity fluxes in αΩ dynamos.
In Advances in Plasma Astrophysics, volume 274 of IAU Symposium, pages 464-466, 2011.
bib | ADS | DOI | arXiv | pdf ]
[2] Simon Candelaresi, Fabio Del Sordo, and Axel Brandenburg.
Decay of trefoil and other magnetic knots.
In Advances in Plasma Astrophysics, volume 274 of IAU Symposium, pages 461-463, 2011.
bib | ADS | DOI | arXiv | pdf ]
[1] Simon Candelaresi, Fabio Del Sordo, and Axel Brandenburg.
Influence of magnetic helicity in MHD.
In Advances in Plasma Astrophysics, volume 271 of IAU Symposium, pages 369-370, 2011.
bib | ADS | DOI | arXiv | pdf ]





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