Photo of Simon Candelaresi

Simon Candelaresi

Address  High-Performance Scientific Computing
University of Augsburg
Universitätsstraße 12a
86159 Augsburg
ORCID 0000-0002-7666-8504

Research Interests

  • Scientific Computing
  • Magnetic Field Line Topology
  • Solar Dynamos
  • Magnetohydrodynamics
  • Topological Properties of Flux Tubes
  • GPGPU programming
  • Fractional Calculus

Density iso-surfaces of simulated rising intergalactic bubbles withouth magnetic field (left), low helicity (center) and high helicity (right). Clearly, helicity stabilizes the rising bubbles from non-linear Kelvin-Helmholtz instability. DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/ab8dc0.
Photo of Simon Candelaresi

Driven magnetic field carpet for an isothermal atmosphere.
arxiv:1611.03325 ]

Initial magnetic field for sheared relaxation experiments (Longbottom)
Initial magnetic field for the sheared field configuration with Sb = 1 together with the distorted grid box. [ arXiv:1611.0332 ]

Initial magnetic field for relaxation experiments
GLEMuR (Gpu-based Lagrangian mimEtic Magnetic Relaxation code) is now avialabe at github with a minimal documentation and howto. For details about the methods and results see here.

Ideal relaxation of an initially twisted magnetic field with net twist 0. The initially twisted field undergoes an evolution which reduces the free magnetic energy and the strength of the Lorenz force resulting in a force-free state of minimal energy. The used code is GLEMuR.
arXiv:1405.0942 ]

Helical small-scale turbulent motions lead to an enhancement of magnetic energy. First the small-scale field grows then the field of the largest scale. Due to the conservation of magnetic helicity the large-scale field grows only on resistive time scales.
arxiv:1208.4529 ]

2D hydrodynamics simulation of a Kolmogorov flow with high Reynolds number. A small initial disturbance in the velocity field gets increased by the instability. The colors represent vorticity.
© Copyright 2024, Simon Candelaresi. last updated 2024-07-23